Oils for face cleansing. Do I recommend OCM?

You are about to learn this and that about OCM i.e. oil cleansing method. What’s that? Is it worth your time? What does the method involve? Which oils to use? Enjoy my latest post! πŸ™‚

Definition of OCM

If you’re wondering what OCM is, let me explain.

OCM stands for Oil Cleansing Method, that is one of ways of cleansing face skin without chemicals. Instead of a foam, gel or soap, the method tells you to reach for an ordinary vegetable oil, ideally organic, cold-pressed oil free from additives.

Does OCM have any effect?

I’m aware that some of you are surprised when you hear about cleansing face with oily oils… Greasy substances don’t seem to make a good choice for washing the skin, I know. Surprisingly, the method is based on the idea that oil (natural oil) removes oil (sebum and other impurities). If you don’t give it a try, you won’t know the possible gains.

Cleansing face with oils is an easy and very effective method that lets us get rid of dirt as well as condition the skin. Oils deliver nutrients, have an antiaging effect and soothe irritations. They make a perfect option for sensitive or acne-prone skin!

Cleansing skin with oils: benefits

This is the best skin care method I’ve ever tried. I’d love to tell you why OCM has enchanted me. I’m sure many of you frown and think β€œis she mad?!”. Believe me, OCM has numerous benefits!

  1. This is a very simple way of cleansing the skin and needs no extra skills, everyone will manage.
  2. Thanks to OCM, you are able to take off make-up, purify the skin and exfoliate dead cells (if you add sugar, for example) with one oil.
  3. You get a great deal: instead of pricey removers, get a natural product for an affordable price.
  4. This is probably the only method so delicate and suitable for very sensitive skin.
  5. Oils are amazing for face cleansing routine that is free from dehydration and damaged hydro-lipid layer, plus they condition skin while you wash it.

OCM blends

There are lots of benefits but let’s get to the bottom line. What should a perfect OCM blend be made of?

Castor oil is the fundamental ingredient that provides the best cleansing effect and detoxifies. Its amount in a blend depends on the skin type: 10% for dry skin, 30% for combination skin, 50% for oily skin. What about the rest of the blend? Mix your castor oil with a lighter oil(s), there’s a wide range of additional oils. For your OCM, try jojoba oil, almond oil, argan oil, grapeed oil or macadamia oil.


My skin is both a bit oily and dry so 30% of my blend is usually made of castor oil, and I add sweet almond oil which I love for being so gentle and having a great antiaging effect.

I make sure my oils are cold-pressed and unrefined because naturalness is the most skin-friendly.

I also have a fave brand I use most often i.e. Nanoil. They offer pure beauty oils which are great, plus if you like professional hair treatments, I recommend their bigger-sized Nanoil oils suited to three types of hair porosity (hair structure).